My philosophy


My philosophy is fluid and evolves as I grow and learn but my core way of being in life and work is to follow the guide that there is no right or wrong way to do something, that it’s perfectly OK, even desirable to be imperfect.

What this looks like might change across seasons and life experiences so this is why I have anchors to ground me.


My anchors

These are the things that underpin my work, guide my decisions and interactions and help me show up in the world in a way that feels authentic to me.

Curiosity helps me explore, learn and grow. When we ask ‘Why’ we have the chance to go beyond the surface. Compassion allows me to care deeply for others, myself and our environment, because we’re all connected through our very existence. Focusing on these connections give us a greater sense of purpose. I look for connection everywhere especially the unlikely, and hidden, connections, from the world wide wood to the water droplets in the air.








So, what does this mean for you?

I believe ​curiosity, compassion and connection are key to building ​creative confidence, resilience and sustainable wellbeing​. And you already have everything you need! You have bucket loads of curiosity and compassion, and a desire to find meaning in everything you do. When we work together, I’ll encourage you to pay attention to how these things are present in your life, because when you channel these rare strengths back into yourself some serious magic happens.


Channel your natural ​curiosity into learning about yourself, your situation and the people around you so you can grow and thrive in all aspects of work, life and relationships, even when life throws those ridiculous curveballs.


Reconnect ​with your values, creativity and nature so you spend your time doing the stuff that brings you meaning and joy and begin to see how you, as a unique being, bring people and ideas together.


Channel your ​compassion ​for others into ​self-compassion ​so you offer yourself kindness and support when your inner critic is loud. Your compassion is a ripple effect on the things around around you.

Ways to work with me