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How to be better: asking for feedback
Feedback, Resources Sarah Rayment Feedback, Resources Sarah Rayment

How to be better: asking for feedback

I’ve previously talked about focusing on strengths when making decisions or struggling with confidence, but there is a place for looking at the ‘not so good at’ list and that’s when we want to be better. When being better at something could make a real difference to how we perform at work and in life. The problem is, we don’t always know what we’re not good at. As humans, we are very good at deceiving ourselves thanks to our blind spots and eternal quest for fitting in.

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Reframing negative thoughts

Reframing negative thoughts

Setbacks and slumps are inevitable when we’re trying to build a creative life. Whether it’s a rejection letter, negative feedback, no feedback at all (tumbleweed…) or a prolonged period of self-doubt, we can feel devastated, hopeless, uninspired and on the verge of giving up. It’s tough when you’ve put all your energy into your journey and there’s yet another impenetrable brick wall in your way.

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Write it out to figure it out (and don’t forget to swear it out)

Write it out to figure it out (and don’t forget to swear it out)

I love to bring writing into my coaching when I think it might be useful for my clients. You don’t have to be a brilliant speller or storyteller, or even good with grammar to get something out of writing; the only thing you need is an open mind and a maybe a little bit of direction.

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Coaching success: Ben’s story

Coaching success: Ben’s story

Coaching can seem like a bit of a mystery if you’ve never experienced it before and I get a lot of questions about who I work with and what happens during coaching. To help answer these questions I’ve been asking my clients to share their stories. First up is Ben. When we started working together, he had been through multiple cycles of job hunting and soul searching to find the right job but kept getting stuck.

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Making the leap: from project manager to actor and voice artist

Making the leap: from project manager to actor and voice artist

My guest today is Rick who started his career transition five years ago when an opportunity for voluntary redundancy became the catalyst for significant changes. He left his corporate role as a Configurations Services Field Project Manager (Rick tells me this is basically IT project management…) and made a commitment to achieving his life-long goal of being a rock star… or at least a successful actor, voice artist and music producer.

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Self-care isn’t (only) bubble baths
Resources, Wellbeing Sarah Rayment Resources, Wellbeing Sarah Rayment

Self-care isn’t (only) bubble baths

Self-care is not about bubble baths, drinking wine or binging on Netflix… (although sometimes it is – the point being it’s not just about these things). Self-care is mostly about self-awareness – and that’s why it’s sometimes quite hard! We THINK we know ourselves well. We don’t. Or maybe we do but because we’re much better at putting others first, we don’t pay attention to what we actually need.

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Making the leap: from in-house commissioning editor to freelance content creator

Making the leap: from in-house commissioning editor to freelance content creator

My guest today is Sophie who made the leap almost two years ago when she left her role as a full-time in-house commissioning editor to set herself up as a freelance digital content creator and editor so she could focus on the parts of the job she was most passionate about and be more available for her children.

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Working out your true values
Values, Strengths, Personal growth, Careers, Creativity Sarah Rayment Values, Strengths, Personal growth, Careers, Creativity Sarah Rayment

Working out your true values

Our values are the things that are most important to us in life and work and include things like honesty, kindness, family, wealth, equality, growth, etc. We can all probably reel off a list of the things that are important to us without too much thought, but therein lies the problem: society and our culture has a clever way of making us think that we should value certain things, and that there is a right way to be living our lives, especially when it comes to finances and careers.

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